Five Days to Freedom from Mum Guilt

Five Days to Freedom from Mum Guilt.

Five recordings to engage the use of your powerful imagination to make changes for you.              

If you’re a mum who has ever felt bad because you wanted better for your children. If ever you’ve wished you’d done more, wished you’d done differently or just wished for so much more for your child this is for YOU.  

To move you from this place of feeling bad, carrying it around with you. Going over things in your mind the ‘what ifs’ and the ‘should haves’. Feeling powerless to make things better.

To experience a shift in mindset.

To freedom from that mum guilt. Where that guilt is transformed into a sense of peace about the parent you are. Where you can accept yourself and your child. Where you can let go of the ‘should’s’ and begin taking steps towards becoming the parent you always wanted to be.

You may be thinking that you don’t know how to change this feeling. You may even have had thoughts that you aren’t doing so great at being a mum.

You can change how you feel! You can have freedom from the guilt and its easy. I’ll guide you through it. I want you to know that you are enough for your child. Many mums feel this way and you’re not alone. Really where it comes from is wanting the best for your child and wanting to be the best for them. That’s love right? Yet you can be loving, want the best for them and want to be the best mum without the guilt. Yes you can be all that and free from mum guilt.

How will you feel when that’s true for you?

When you sign up for the five days to freedom from mum guilt you will gain access to the recordings that will guide you to make use of your powerful imagination. One will be released a each day so you have time to fully get the most out of each one and allow the changes to settle before the next.

By fully engaging with each visualisation exercise you will, release the old guilt and accept yourself for who you are now. You will change how you feel and develop an acceptance for your children however they choose to be. You will and change your mindset to begin seeing how you are becoming the mum you want to be. Feeling more confident and in control.

Think you don’t have time?

The visualising exercises don’t take more than around 20 mins a day. Check this please it may seem that your day is already full I know that feeling! Yet, is some of your day spent on the phone or procrastinating? Or eating when you’re not even hungry? Do you take more time to do things than they actually take? I’m not asking this to make you feel bad. I’m wondering if it is because you do feel bad and that’s how you distract from that feeling.

Feeling mum guilt lingering around will be affecting your motivation which in itself it eating more time out of your day. By making it a priority to change those feelings your will be giving yourself not just the time back but the motivation too.

Don’t think visualising or working with your imagination works?

Imagining speaks to the unconscious part of the mind. By listening and imagining along with the recordings you’re letting your unconscious mind know you’re ready to change those feelings. Just like athletes visualise to improve performance and how the placebo effect works.

Mum guilt is illusionary it’s not real you create it in your mind and you are the one who can change it. Imagining sends messages to the unconscious part of the mind where beliefs are stored that create all feelings.

When you listen to the recordings you may notice that you feel lighter, more love for yourself and your child without the mum guilt in the way. You’ll get a sense of being a good mum and the release of old unwanted feelings.

I’ve been in this position before and I know how heavy mum guilt can weigh you down and stop you being fully present with your children and your tasks. The five days of visualizing exercises is right for you because it is easy to do, it only takes a little time and can be done at a time that’s convenient to you. You don’t need anything else just listen and imagine along. It’s easy there isn’t any extra thinking involved. I know you will enjoy this even when your tired.

Click to listen to the first one today. When you agree to receive emails please check your spam folder as you will receive reminder each day with the link to the new recordings.  

5 Modules

Five Days to break free from mum guilt

Listen to this Recording First. The others will be released one each day. This is to ensure you definitely and completely get the full benefit of each effective recording.  

Modules for this product 5
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